This deck, is just messed up. Both Self-Sacerfice and Unexpected Attack reduce the health of the Scout attacking (Self-Sacerfice does it to all attacking Scout/Knights, -anyone who attacked this turn-) Angry Luna makes damage spread, possibly killing off the other Scout/Knights... and finaly when its your turn, you HOT SOUP. Hot soup only works on a tie, but you could use a Moon Locket to replay loses's and rember you could discard 3 power from hand to redo a JKP so a win can become a tie if you have the power in hand. If you can, get out 4 Hot Soups/4 Lunaballs and thats 8 chances to hit for 10 or more, killing off any Scout/Knight that got hit by the self-sacerfice.
It burns... it burns so much.
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