The list of the best, and most nessary cards in this game.
1 Cram School.
2 Sailor Pluto.
3 Princess Dimand.
4 Lunaball
5 Lunapen
1 - Draw Power. With 60 min and 3 of those in play, you have a 57 card deck - 5 of those will be in hand at start so thats 52 (or 51 with Artimus at your side) so there really is no reasion not to have 4 of these in your deck.
2 - Take a turn again. Broken. Hands down. No reasion not to include the 1 copy alowed (per errata) in your deck.
3 - Even if your oppenent runs no locations (and they should run a few) you might use her abltiy for power on monsters/villins. Shes nessary for both these reasions.
4 - copying any item in play or discard serves just to meny functions to pass up.
5 - Stoping attacks to your scout/knight is vital. You should include this in your deck, without it you might lose!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Deck "IT BURNS!!"
This deck, is just messed up. Both Self-Sacerfice and Unexpected Attack reduce the health of the Scout attacking (Self-Sacerfice does it to all attacking Scout/Knights, -anyone who attacked this turn-) Angry Luna makes damage spread, possibly killing off the other Scout/Knights... and finaly when its your turn, you HOT SOUP. Hot soup only works on a tie, but you could use a Moon Locket to replay loses's and rember you could discard 3 power from hand to redo a JKP so a win can become a tie if you have the power in hand. If you can, get out 4 Hot Soups/4 Lunaballs and thats 8 chances to hit for 10 or more, killing off any Scout/Knight that got hit by the self-sacerfice.
It burns... it burns so much.
Deck: "People Explosion"
This deck focuss on bringing in every Person in the game (yes all of them) into play, then "exploding" them with Beryl's Servants's attack. Prizma repersents the best way to get everything into play at once should she ever use her defence event, and Fm No.10 brings more people into play. You should discard your Beryl's Servants's into the discard when balancing and get it when the time is right with the defence event "While the cats away..." this defence event is broken good because all the effects present on the first target are gone (no Mercry's bubbles, no Four Sisters, etc) the only thing that could pontentaly ruin the attack would be Lunapen or a Lunaball becoming a Lunapen, in eather case you could always put out lots of Airport locations to destory these possible issues. Regardless this insain attack should spell the end of any Scout/Knight!
Deck: "Moving on"
This deck works on two cards: Resignation & Grampa Hino:

And, of course 2 power cards on a scout/knight that your not Resignation targeting.
Basicly, you could win on turn 2 with this deck, possible sooner. The idea is to drop a Scout/Knight in and Resignation them for a quick VP. Then turn 2, you can power up the remaining Scout/Knignt and self-defete your own villan for a quick game. Grampa Hino is really just there for constancy-sake, and to keep your oppenent's monsters off the field. Should they drop in a Villan, this deck will be able to win normaly, but, this would be your primary win conditon.
And, of course 2 power cards on a scout/knight that your not Resignation targeting.
Basicly, you could win on turn 2 with this deck, possible sooner. The idea is to drop a Scout/Knight in and Resignation them for a quick VP. Then turn 2, you can power up the remaining Scout/Knignt and self-defete your own villan for a quick game. Grampa Hino is really just there for constancy-sake, and to keep your oppenent's monsters off the field. Should they drop in a Villan, this deck will be able to win normaly, but, this would be your primary win conditon.
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