Ah yes, Imbeded thorn is truely the most vile of attacks, the only way to save your Scout/Knight from its effects would be a "Visit from the past" and placing it back into your hand, other then that- the throne's effect will contune even if you Level Up, are "reborn in the fucture" or have a "transformation pen" experance. Basicly - the posion is a counter of sorts that was ruled on when the game was still around that nothing short of removing the monster itself could remove the posion marker.
Now, with this in mind, my location next to this monster becomes that much more imprant "Toyko Tower" this will protect you from Grampa Hino, Luna, Princess Dimand, and such.
However... there is one card that could stop this - "Negamoon Bomb" So thats your only- ONLY hope!
Now, to prevent a Bomb you could run Overwhelming attack or Crystal and Wand - eather will get rid of the power. Running Overwhilming attack would be my first pick since its automatic, but there would not be any harm in running 1 Crystal and Wand along with some Lunaball. The rest of the deck should be overwhileming with defence events to protect your Plant once you get the throrn, you could include things like "Unexpected attack", "Hidden", "Whats that?", "Fooled by the enemey" etc! Basicly, keep this monster around. "Taunt" might be included in case your oppenent is not attacking , or if they have lots of Scout/Knights you want to make sure have Thorns in them. You could always toss in some extra locations and "Distracted by a kiss" to make sure attacks turn off - but this will make you a target for people again... so be aware.
Idealy, you want 2 in play, and have a scout/knight attack each one in turn, so that they get 2 posion counters... yes it stacks as well. Why not 4? Well - hidden can only bounce between 2 - so the wise oppenent will never attack the ones that did not effect them.
Some defence events to avoid would be "When the cats away" and "Run away" as those will discard or otheriwse remove your posion counter.
The best possible combo would be to posion them, then taunt them into attack, hidden to something they can not kill, and self-sacerfice that, next turn -- boom they are gone.
Messed up? Sure. Of course it is. Thats the power of the thorn.
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