Thursday, December 24, 2009

Get that thorn out of me!

Ah yes, Imbeded thorn is truely the most vile of attacks, the only way to save your Scout/Knight from its effects would be a "Visit from the past" and placing it back into your hand, other then that- the throne's effect will contune even if you Level Up, are "reborn in the fucture" or have a "transformation pen" experance. Basicly - the posion is a counter of sorts that was ruled on when the game was still around that nothing short of removing the monster itself could remove the posion marker.

Now, with this in mind, my location next to this monster becomes that much more imprant "Toyko Tower" this will protect you from Grampa Hino, Luna, Princess Dimand, and such.

However... there is one card that could stop this - "Negamoon Bomb" So thats your only- ONLY hope!

Now, to prevent a Bomb you could run Overwhelming attack or Crystal and Wand - eather will get rid of the power. Running Overwhilming attack would be my first pick since its automatic, but there would not be any harm in running 1 Crystal and Wand along with some Lunaball. The rest of the deck should be overwhileming with defence events to protect your Plant once you get the throrn, you could include things like "Unexpected attack", "Hidden", "Whats that?", "Fooled by the enemey" etc! Basicly, keep this monster around. "Taunt" might be included in case your oppenent is not attacking , or if they have lots of Scout/Knights you want to make sure have Thorns in them. You could always toss in some extra locations and "Distracted by a kiss" to make sure attacks turn off - but this will make you a target for people again... so be aware.

Idealy, you want 2 in play, and have a scout/knight attack each one in turn, so that they get 2 posion counters... yes it stacks as well. Why not 4? Well - hidden can only bounce between 2 - so the wise oppenent will never attack the ones that did not effect them.

Some defence events to avoid would be "When the cats away" and "Run away" as those will discard or otheriwse remove your posion counter.

The best possible combo would be to posion them, then taunt them into attack, hidden to something they can not kill, and self-sacerfice that, next turn -- boom they are gone.

Messed up? Sure. Of course it is. Thats the power of the thorn.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Deck: The Faboulus 5!

This was the only card that I neaded to finnish my set when I first started, so I felt that I should make a deck focused on using it to the fullest. What better to do that then a deck that has all the 5 Scouts from the inner-senshi in it? I'm including Tuxedo Mask as well.

Typicaly, I'd always say start with Artimus, Venus and Mind Controled Humans, but, you don't have to with this deck... in fact I'll include all possible starting items/people so you can deside! The 1 vp monster is up to you, but I'll sugest Titus since it can net you an item earlyer.

You deck list from there is really up to you, but here is an outline:

(any scout/item/person)

4 Cramschool
4 Pocket Communactor.

1 Sailor Moon
1 Sailor Mercury
1 Sailor Jupiter
1 Sailor Venus
1 Tuxedo Mask

Power: 28

4 (specal) All type
Mind 8
Body 8
Soul 8

Good luck with the fabous 5!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Is it my turn yet?

If I've not mentioned it yet, "Taunt" is an evil, evil card. But, I'm sure we can totaly break it. Today we focus on a 3+ card combo. Taunt + Prince Dimand (with power cards on him/or "free power" defence event) and Fail a test defence.

Dimand's defence, if you win makes your oppenent skip there next turn. Now, if they attack him and its your turn, you can let fly with your defence, but you'r going to have a monster in play right? So you will have to "Hidden" to get the desired effect.

This is really where Taunt comes in, if you can taunt them into attacing and win Dimand's defence event (almost a serten if you use Fail Test) then you've got them. You may freely set up everything else, balnce and work the Taunt/Defence magic again.

Its just that simple. The deck could contaion ways to snip out People and Items, Detention to lower there hand to zero. Once you've got them traped. Thats it.

Its totaly unfair. Its totaly broken. And this is not even the taunt deck thats never been beaten that I first made!

Now, you might be wondering how to win agenst this deck - Well - several possiblitys, one is that this set up takes awhile, you might actualy get a turn in, second is that you can always forgo powering up your scouts. You could, in theroy, launch a combined attack to get rid of your power. But- if you take to long, your done for.

There is a yoma that can do the defence as well - Ramwoir/Dream Dolly but its got really low HP, I'd sugest it as a possible starting monster.

The only other hope that you have vs this deck is to win JKP - now... at some point your oppenent will fail the taunt, fail defence event etc.. so there is always a chance, but if they get you once, you might as well forfit because it will be down hill. Unlike my other articals , I'd like to provide a deck list here to showcase this in all its messed-up glory. Also I'd like to sugest that this idea be henceforth baned from tourment play! (And maybe even causal play) ((although in a multi player game it might be fun to see how meny people you can make lose there turn!)


Starting (3):

Sailor Venus lv. 1
Ramwoir/Dream Dolly
People (4):

1 Chad Kumada
1 Andrew Furuhata
1 Luna
1 Princess Dimand

Items (8):
1 Negamoon Bomb
4 Lunaball
1 Lunapen
2 Darkmoon Crystal

Events (22):

4 Cram school
1 Sailor Pluto
4 Taunt
2 Found Memorys
2 Regeneration
4 Discovery!
4 Memories of the Past
1 Detention

Locations (4):

4 Crossroads Jr. High

Monster/Villans (4):

3 Frosty/Hypnotica
1 Prince Diamond

Defence Events (6):
4 Fail a test
2 Hidden

Scouts (5):

Sailor Mercury lv 1
Princess Mercury lv 2
Sailor Mercury lv 3
Princess Venus lv 2
Sailor Venus lv3

Power (8):

4 Body/Mind/Soul
4 Mind

The deck could probley be thined a bit, but thats the basics.

Is it my turn yet? No. It never will be.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Defence events?

When it comes to defence events, some are better then others.
Today, we look at two JKP defence events.
"Whats that?" And "Fooled by the enemy"
The first reduces the dammage the monster/villan takes, but does not negate the attack, this meens that your monster/villan attacks in return.
The second negates the attack , so no dammage happens and no attack happens, but the effect is awesome - you gain 40 dammage to a monster or villan on there side, this puts you AHEAD.

Now, there are some decks that MIGHT benifit from "Whats that?" but, more offen you are going to want more dammage on your oppenent's side. If your going to JKP you might just as well be "Fooled by the enemy."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cards your deck can't go without.

The list of the best, and most nessary cards in this game.

1 Cram School.
2 Sailor Pluto.
3 Princess Dimand.
4 Lunaball
5 Lunapen

1 - Draw Power. With 60 min and 3 of those in play, you have a 57 card deck - 5 of those will be in hand at start so thats 52 (or 51 with Artimus at your side) so there really is no reasion not to have 4 of these in your deck.

2 - Take a turn again. Broken. Hands down. No reasion not to include the 1 copy alowed (per errata) in your deck.

3 - Even if your oppenent runs no locations (and they should run a few) you might use her abltiy for power on monsters/villins. Shes nessary for both these reasions.

4 - copying any item in play or discard serves just to meny functions to pass up.

5 - Stoping attacks to your scout/knight is vital. You should include this in your deck, without it you might lose!

Deck "IT BURNS!!"

This deck, is just messed up. Both Self-Sacerfice and Unexpected Attack reduce the health of the Scout attacking (Self-Sacerfice does it to all attacking Scout/Knights, -anyone who attacked this turn-) Angry Luna makes damage spread, possibly killing off the other Scout/Knights... and finaly when its your turn, you HOT SOUP. Hot soup only works on a tie, but you could use a Moon Locket to replay loses's and rember you could discard 3 power from hand to redo a JKP so a win can become a tie if you have the power in hand. If you can, get out 4 Hot Soups/4 Lunaballs and thats 8 chances to hit for 10 or more, killing off any Scout/Knight that got hit by the self-sacerfice.

It burns... it burns so much.

Deck: "People Explosion"

This deck focuss on bringing in every Person in the game (yes all of them) into play, then "exploding" them with Beryl's Servants's attack. Prizma repersents the best way to get everything into play at once should she ever use her defence event, and Fm No.10 brings more people into play. You should discard your Beryl's Servants's into the discard when balancing and get it when the time is right with the defence event "While the cats away..." this defence event is broken good because all the effects present on the first target are gone (no Mercry's bubbles, no Four Sisters, etc) the only thing that could pontentaly ruin the attack would be Lunapen or a Lunaball becoming a Lunapen, in eather case you could always put out lots of Airport locations to destory these possible issues. Regardless this insain attack should spell the end of any Scout/Knight!

Deck: "Moving on"

This deck works on two cards: Resignation & Grampa Hino:

And, of course 2 power cards on a scout/knight that your not Resignation targeting.
Basicly, you could win on turn 2 with this deck, possible sooner. The idea is to drop a Scout/Knight in and Resignation them for a quick VP. Then turn 2, you can power up the remaining Scout/Knignt and self-defete your own villan for a quick game. Grampa Hino is really just there for constancy-sake, and to keep your oppenent's monsters off the field. Should they drop in a Villan, this deck will be able to win normaly, but, this would be your primary win conditon.