I dont have any Fond Memorys of TIEs unless IT BURNS! Ties in JKP happen, and the above cards are the only ones that focus on them, Fond Memorys turns ties into wins (making your ablity to win JKP 50/50) Mud Minon Hord is the only monster/villan that does anything on a tie, and Hot Soup loves ties! But what if your GAME is in a tie? How can you tell? And what do you do?
Well, the only way to tell the game is in a tie is if neather player can make any attacks. This can happen if cards are removed from game. It might also be that someone builds a deck that has no power cards at all in it. Or what if no one attacks anything in fear of the defence events?
So, all that as possible events, the first one to deal with is the "no one is attacking" (or attaching power cards) this can happen if you want to avoid a Taunt or three more Taunts... but you can not win if you dont attack something at some point, so if you can make an attack, make it at a point when you feel it would be to your advantage to do so, but this could take awhile, if it is a problem, put a time limit on the turns or try a "after (X) rounds you must attack" rule.
Now, if the issue is that no one CAN attack (due to removed cards) then - look at who has the most VP and they win, if that is tied, then who had destoryed a villan, if that is tied, who destroyed the higest vp villan or highest vp monster. If everyhting is STILL tied, who has the lest damage on there Scouts/Knights, if you are still in a tie, you could pretend an extra Andrew is out for all players, or that enough "pretend" Andrews are out so you can make your best attacks, so you can play 1 more round to see who wins first.
Anything else you can think of to avoid a tie? Let me know!
And no, I'm not talking about the tie you put on your neck!!