So, what would a third set look like? I think that given the english anime version, we might have seen the Outers... but what if they had not restricted themselfs to the english? (they would have) but, just for sake of augment, thats plenty more sets that could have been made. Still, even if we are to limit ourselfs to the english verison of the show, there is still plenty. Well - what set would be next -the S series of course, the outers- Satern, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto... and the eggs. Oh man the eggs! I would have also wanted to see the "Return of the rose" movie's villan(S) get there cards- (three total, the big flower, the main flower, and the main villin) They would most likely belong to the Cardian family - since they look like them. And it would give the cardians a much needed villan boost. Plus they do drain power, so they would fit the theem. What would Satern Do? She is probley one of the most powerfull,
But, she would also be the weekest - 10 hp? I'm thinking that sounds really vunable to Hot Soup, but if shes going to have the attack I want, its a fair trade off.
So - powered by mind. And having the most costly in terms of power - 6 mind power.
"Remove Sailor Satern, remove a target monster or villan from the game"
This would be the famous Silent Grave attack - where she kills herself to end the enimey.
Now, a few notes about that attack -its an instant removal (you wouldnt get any vp) you could target any monster/villan (your own if you wanted) and they dont get to do anything about it. Sounds bad? Well, remember- Grampa Hino could make a comeback with knocking your own monsters/villans out automaticly should you happen to remove there only monster/villan in play! So I think that this idea for Satern would be powerfull, something to be feared, and usefull... in the right deck.
I think we would want more location cards, as well as cards that move them or destory them- one of the bigest problems I had with locations is them just being in play - you cant target them unless a monster or Villan is on top of them- so something that would target locations no matter what would be in order. Perhaps "Sailor Teleport" an event that moves a location to the discard pile, or attaches it to a monster/villan (that does not allready have a location on it)
Also, Princess Serenity ingored location benifits - so we could give Uranus's attack "world shaking" a discard to location bonus (on the win of jkp perhaps)
Like I said, plenty of things that could be possible with making a new set. One day I hope to design it, right now, its just kickn around in my head, besides I'd have to watch the whole "S" seasion and take notes! LOTS OF NOTES! :D
Untill then, we can all dream about new sets, and possiblitys.