Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I dont have any Fond Memorys of TIEs unless IT BURNS! Ties in JKP happen, and the above cards are the only ones that focus on them, Fond Memorys turns ties into wins (making your ablity to win JKP 50/50) Mud Minon Hord is the only monster/villan that does anything on a tie, and Hot Soup loves ties! But what if your GAME is in a tie? How can you tell? And what do you do?
Well, the only way to tell the game is in a tie is if neather player can make any attacks. This can happen if cards are removed from game. It might also be that someone builds a deck that has no power cards at all in it. Or what if no one attacks anything in fear of the defence events?
So, all that as possible events, the first one to deal with is the "no one is attacking" (or attaching power cards) this can happen if you want to avoid a Taunt or three more Taunts... but you can not win if you dont attack something at some point, so if you can make an attack, make it at a point when you feel it would be to your advantage to do so, but this could take awhile, if it is a problem, put a time limit on the turns or try a "after (X) rounds you must attack" rule.
Now, if the issue is that no one CAN attack (due to removed cards) then - look at who has the most VP and they win, if that is tied, then who had destoryed a villan, if that is tied, who destroyed the higest vp villan or highest vp monster. If everyhting is STILL tied, who has the lest damage on there Scouts/Knights, if you are still in a tie, you could pretend an extra Andrew is out for all players, or that enough "pretend" Andrews are out so you can make your best attacks, so you can play 1 more round to see who wins first.
Anything else you can think of to avoid a tie? Let me know!
And no, I'm not talking about the tie you put on your neck!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
We can dream, cant we? (homebrewed set)
So, what would a third set look like? I think that given the english anime version, we might have seen the Outers... but what if they had not restricted themselfs to the english? (they would have) but, just for sake of augment, thats plenty more sets that could have been made. Still, even if we are to limit ourselfs to the english verison of the show, there is still plenty. Well - what set would be next -the S series of course, the outers- Satern, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto... and the eggs. Oh man the eggs! I would have also wanted to see the "Return of the rose" movie's villan(S) get there cards- (three total, the big flower, the main flower, and the main villin) They would most likely belong to the Cardian family - since they look like them. And it would give the cardians a much needed villan boost. Plus they do drain power, so they would fit the theem. What would Satern Do? She is probley one of the most powerfull,
But, she would also be the weekest - 10 hp? I'm thinking that sounds really vunable to Hot Soup, but if shes going to have the attack I want, its a fair trade off.
So - powered by mind. And having the most costly in terms of power - 6 mind power.
"Remove Sailor Satern, remove a target monster or villan from the game"
This would be the famous Silent Grave attack - where she kills herself to end the enimey.
Now, a few notes about that attack -its an instant removal (you wouldnt get any vp) you could target any monster/villan (your own if you wanted) and they dont get to do anything about it. Sounds bad? Well, remember- Grampa Hino could make a comeback with knocking your own monsters/villans out automaticly should you happen to remove there only monster/villan in play! So I think that this idea for Satern would be powerfull, something to be feared, and usefull... in the right deck.
I think we would want more location cards, as well as cards that move them or destory them- one of the bigest problems I had with locations is them just being in play - you cant target them unless a monster or Villan is on top of them- so something that would target locations no matter what would be in order. Perhaps "Sailor Teleport" an event that moves a location to the discard pile, or attaches it to a monster/villan (that does not allready have a location on it)
Also, Princess Serenity ingored location benifits - so we could give Uranus's attack "world shaking" a discard to location bonus (on the win of jkp perhaps)
Like I said, plenty of things that could be possible with making a new set. One day I hope to design it, right now, its just kickn around in my head, besides I'd have to watch the whole "S" seasion and take notes! LOTS OF NOTES! :D
Untill then, we can all dream about new sets, and possiblitys.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Cardians... pick a card!
as you can attack more offen then they can!
(Set one only)
Sailor Venus lv1
Sami Tsukino
2 Negamoon bomb
4 Lunaball
4 Luna Pen
2 Caradin flute
4 cram school
1 Overpowering attack
2 Baby sitting
Defence events:
4 Green Yoma from londen
1 Hidden
4 Skulker
2 Racy
1 Alen
1 Ann
1 Sailor Venus lv 2
1 Sailor Venus lv 3
1 Sailor Mercury lv 1
1 Sailor Mercury lv 2
1 Sailor Mercury lv 3
24 Mind
Friday, August 19, 2011
Homebrew: Multiplayers rules
Okay, so all of the rules from normal are in effect, or use my homebrewed rules from combind attacks, but be sure to use my home rule for no infinite deck looping.
The following is going to change for the multiplayer game.
Start with a 2Vp monster and a 1Vp monster in play.
Hand balance is incresed by 1 for everyone. (6 without Artemis, 7 with)
VP total for win should be 6 + 1 for each player beound two (7 vp for 3 players) ((I normaly play to 10 vp so for me this would be 10+1))
Unlike the normal or home rules, attack on turn one is alowed.
Because your Scouts/Knights are facing meny monsters the "self knock out of monster" rule only is active if NO OTHER PLAYER (other then you) has a monster out, this is very unlikely but in theroy could happen.
Typicly in multi player games someone gets attacked so much that they might feel frustrated and quit, to prevent this the "king of the hill" rule is in place- this rule is that whomever has the highest VP is the one that all players may attack, if there is a tie for top VP then players may attack whomever they conseder a threat.
If no one is in the lead, or everyone is tied the rule is that one player may be attacked by any number of players - however, if one player has had more then one player attack there monsters/villans the next round they must have 1 less player attack them.
For this example I am in a 4 player game. (including myself)
Example I have No Vp (nor does anyone else) but since I am really good at this game, everyone in the game with me desides to go after my monsters. Thats 3 players who have all toseed whatever they had at my monsters! All on the first turn! Yikes. I am wiped of monsters by the end, but I make a very good recovery and set up for next time. This following round, only 2 players can go after me since 3 players went after me last round. ((You might want a marker to keep track of how meny players went after you every round)) - So 2 players go after me again, geez! Next round only 1 can. Now - the key here is that it will never drop below 1. Someone should always be able to go after you, if they want. This rule is just to keep things more fair.
Teams. 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, etc.
Teams are OKAY - I would say that teams are really not nessary, but if you REALLY want to, the only thing that changes is seeing each other hands - and possibly being able to use each others cards- BUT, although this does (in theroy) open up the possibly of one person making an all "defenceive" deck and the other making an all attack deck - it also makes discarding a pain since you should still discard the cards to whomever owns them discard pile - this is not a problem if you have difernt sleeves on the cards. Things like Chad would always target your discard, never your teammate, there Luna and your Luna only count for your/there scout/knights - not both.
But, I have not been able to do team testing AT ALL so I am not sure about this, the main rules should work fine for multi player. Let me know if you ever try out my ideas for team play! Untill next time, Sailor Moon says seeya!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Home rules for Sailor Moon CCG
First, when your deck is depleated, no more drawing. Drawing from the discard would be alowed, but the deck itself is done with.
What this fixes: When you played cram school , as the current rules are writen, if you had no deck the discard pile becomes the deck - if you had no discard pile (its happened to me) then you could play cram school + (whatever) and infinite loop the card you played. Infintie loops are bad. This fixes that.
Combined attacks - I outlined this prevously, the current rules just are to complex for combined attacks and I think my fixes will help that.
Turn 1 (for both players) no one can attack. This is something that I expermetnt with, the way the current rules stand the person who goes second actualy can attack where as the first player can not. Typicly being the first player is GOOD not bad, so in this modfyed version, neather player can attack there first turn, and that makes palyer 1 the one who can attack, it does give player 2 the ablity to set up defences, so thats a good thing as well. I feel this fix balances play.
Play to 10 vp. 6 is the "max" but I like 10 vp, it makes the game longer, its pretty fun.
Mutliplayer - whoever got attacked last cant be attacked untill the end of there turn, this makes multi player a bit more fair.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Rejuvantion is for those without LOVE LETTER.

But who can rest when we got a Love Letter?
Love Letter does the same basic function of normal rejuvation, only less so, as I recal, rejuvation heals 30. (40 with Serena's Parents) This does 20. Still, your saving a Power Card (yes you are discarding an item) but I think it all balances out.
See, with Love Letter, you could drop all 4 into play, and have them out of your hand, and saved up for when you really want them, power can be destructed and so can items, BUT item destcution is not as common. Also several monsters can work to help you get out items (Zoisite). Also, unlike Good Nights Rest - this is a one card drop - not a two card drop. With Good Night Rest, you must play that AND discard your power card. With Love Letter, its instant Love!